• Become a Student
  • New Student Programs
  • Orientation
  • Goucher Guides
  • Goucher Guides

    Goucher Guides are upper division students who are here to help you transition to Goucher. This is an exciting time, and your Goucher Guide will be a great resource for helping you to prepare for your arrival to campus in August.

    All new students, including traditional first-year, gap year, and transfer students, will be divided into small groups with a designated Goucher Guide.

    In August, your Goucher Guide will guide you through our fun and engaging orientation program. Your Goucher Guide also sticks with you for the year, first as the teaching assistant in the FYE 134 course, with the purpose of enabling a successful transition into the Goucher community, and then throughout the year for programs, and of course the spring semester reunion! 

    Our Goucher Guides are so excited to welcome and support you, and we can’t wait to see you in August!

    To contact any Goucher Guide, or for questions related to Orientation or the First-Year Experience course, please email FirstYear@castingmoldingmachine.com.


    First-year Mentors

    Goucher strives to foster a warm and inclusive environment for all students. Please note that the term "new student" applies to all traditional first-year students, gap year students, and transfer students who are new to the Goucher College campus.